Oculus release notes_our thoughts about two interesting features which are available in v30-v31 of Oculus Quest
August 13, 2021
Oculus release notes: our thoughts about two interesting features which are available in v30-v31 of Oculus Quest

Oculus updated release notes on version 30.0 and 31.0 for Oculus Quest on 15 June and 20 July respectively. We decided to focus on two points that, in our opinion, are important and our Unity Tech Lead (AR/VR/MR Team) Alex V. commented on them. Notes on version 30.0 Information from release notes: You can now multitask with multiple system-level 2D apps side by side in Oculus Home on Quest 2 and Quest. Supported apps include: Explore, Store, Browser, Events, Oculus TV, Oculus Move, Scoreboards, and more. Our thoughts: This update is very interesting and now the main question is if Oculus Quest will make this feature available for all 2D applications or not. Our video: To demonstrate this new feature, we recorded a short video. Notes on version 31.0 Information from release notes: We’ve created multiplayer APIs for developers to use with their apps. For any app that opts in for this feature, you’ll be able to invite friends or people you’ve recently played with to your game sessions directly from the Quest Universal menu. Our thoughts: This may be a very powerful update and this step may change the standard of the matchmaking multiplayer game in the Oculus environment. We’ll try to use this update in our in-home project. Additional link: Find out more in the article Improve Concurrency in Your Multiplayer Games with Travel Together and Public Parties by Oculus for developers.

Passthrough API on Oculus Quest 2
August 12, 2021
Passthrough API on Oculus Quest 2. Our first attempts with mixed reality

Feature: Passthrough API on Oculus Quest 2 Oculus’ Passthrough API enables mixed reality experiences that combine real and virtual worlds into one. Immediately after an update became available, we started testing the API. It is an exciting promise by Oculus and has a lot of prospective. We are already brainstorming the ideas of using Passthrough API to solve our clients’ business issues. Technology stack: Unity SDK, Oculus SDK 31, Passthrough API Devices: Oculus Quest 2

virtual reality training
August 11, 2021
Virtual reality for training employees: a selection of articles for a better understanding

Recently, more and more companies have started using virtual reality technology for training employees. This is due to the fact that the cost of implementing virtual reality has fallen and the technology itself has become more widespread. In addition, VR has become much more affordable and available thanks to the recent growth in virtual reality (VR) devices. What is virtual reality training? Virtual Reality Training is a digital simulation of learning situations that can occur in real-life conditions. With the help of a special headset and controllers, students operate in a three-dimensional virtual environment, interacting with objects and people. What companies use virtual reality for training? Boeing. UPS. Walmart. Porsche. Henkel. BP. ExxonMobil. UPS. Why is vr training important? We have prepared a small selection of articles that tell about the advantages and disadvantages of using virtual reality for training company employees. How virtual reality is redefining soft skills training Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers Summary: Companies need employees with the right mix of skills, including “soft” skills like leadership and resilience. The prevalence of remote work makes effective digital training approaches more crucial than ever. VR training offers an affordable way to upskill employees faster and with better results. The Growing Impact of Virtual Reality Training Source: HRMagazine Summary: As usage increases and costs drop, the technology is now being used for soft skills, DE&I and leadership training. With in-person learning placed on hold during the pandemic, more organizations turned to VR training because of its increased affordability and proven ability to teach employees working remotely. Learning experts stress that VR training isn’t the right solution for all needs and should be matched to situations that best fit the medium. Why Walmart and other F500 companies are using virtual reality to train the next generation of American workers Source: CNBC Summary: Several F500 companies, such as Boeing, UPS and Walmart, are folding virtual reality into worker education and training programs. Companies have seen retention rates and productivity numbers rise when they use VR as a training tool. Augmented reality is another tech tool companies are opting for to upskill their workforce. Is VR the Future of Corporate Training? Source: Harvard Business Review Summary: VR is increasingly being used to help train employees to do their jobs. VR is being used to train employees in “soft skills” to improve customer service and managerial skills. VR shows a unique balance across experiments — it is immersive enough for people to take the training seriously, but also a safe environment where learners are less self-conscious about speaking frankly compared to talking to real people.

Added animated atom structure to VR Chemistry app with core and electrons, motion in orbit
August 9, 2021
VR Chemistry App | Added animated atom’s structure

Project: VR Chemistry App. A VR application for safe teaching chemistry to children. Added animated atom structure to VR Chemistry app with core and electrons, motion in orbit. Technology stack: UnitySDK, Oculus SDK and MRTK-OculusQuest. Devices: Oculus Quest 1/2, PC VR.

A VR application for safe teaching chemistry to children
August 4, 2021
VR Chemistry App | Work on functionality for visualizing molecules

Project: VR Chemistry App. A VR application for safe teaching chemistry to children. A VR application for safe teaching chemistry to children is now in progress. Now we are working on functionality for visualizing molecules from different elements. Technology stack: UnitySDK, Oculus SDK and MRTK-OculusQuest. Devices: Oculus Quest 1/2, PC VR.   TRANSLATE with x English Arabic Hebrew Polish Bulgarian Hindi Portuguese Catalan Hmong Daw Romanian Chinese Simplified Hungarian Russian Chinese Traditional Indonesian Slovak Czech Italian Slovenian Danish Japanese Spanish Dutch Klingon Swedish English Korean Thai Estonian Latvian Turkish Finnish Lithuanian Ukrainian French Malay Urdu German Maltese Vietnamese Greek Norwegian Welsh Haitian Creole Persian TRANSLATE with COPY THE URL BELOW Back EMBED THE SNIPPET BELOW IN YOUR SITE Enable collaborative features and customize widget: Bing Webmaster Portal Back

The Qualium Systems mini_football team took the second place in the Middle IT League of Kharkiv
July 7, 2021
The Qualium Systems mini-football team took the second place in the Middle IT League of Kharkiv

This is the second year that our team participates in this tournament. Last year was marked by the championship in the Junior IT League, thanks to which this year we moved to the stronger Middle IT League. According to the results of the main tournament, the team finished fourth, which made it possible to play in the semifinals with a very strong and experienced Nix Solutions team. Thanks to serious preparation and concentration, the victory was won with a convincing score of 3: 0. In the final we played with the SYTOSS team. Unfortunately, in the first minutes of the match a goal was conceded, which broke us psychologically. The rival defended very competently and in a coordinated manner, they did not give an opportunity to score a return goal and deservedly won this game. This is a successful season for us, but we are striving for the championship in the new IT League in Kharkiv, which will start very soon, on the last weekend of September.

Elena Lukianova, Recruitment Specialist in Qualium Systems, attended Unity Development Event and discussed lifehacks and trends in job finding processes and QS Unity Internship
July 5, 2021
Qualium Systems Recruiter attended Unity Development Event to discuss career opportunities

Last week, Elena Lukianova, Recruitment Specialist in Qualium Systems, was invited to the Unity Development Event, where she spoke about the specifics of the admission process and internship training. Qualium Systems has opened the Unity Internship for Junior Unity Developers for several months as part of the XR application development area of focus. The participants of the event were interested to learn about the features of our area of focus – the development of AR / VR / MR solutions for various types of industries such as Education, Sport, Healthcare, Construction, etc. They asked questions about the company’s projects related to augmented and virtual reality. They were interested in technologies and work prospects. Qualium Systems is open to cooperation with young professionals and our Recruitment Department is always in touch.

Why we use JAMstack architecture for our projects
June 17, 2021
Why we use JAMstack architecture for our projects

JAMstack is an approach to web development that allows you to create static websites with dynamic capabilities. Introduced in 2016 by Matt Beillmann, CEO of Netlify, the term is a combination of: JavaScript. API. Markup. Why we use JAMstack architecture for our projects? Great speed and performance. Scalability. Greater safety. Low cost. Key differences between traditional dynamic sites and JAM solutions? Now let’s dive into the details and find out how the traditional approach to web development differs from the JAMStack approach in practice. The traditional workflow assumes that all of the developer’s work is, to some extent, centered around the hosting connection. Things are complicated by excessive connections as a result of requests to the web server, database, CMS, etc. In addition, the content can be updated via the outdated FTP data transfer protocol, which reduces overall reliability and speed of the website. From a JAMStack point of view, everything is much simpler. First, you don’t have to depend on hosting, which means developers have more flexibility when building any other JAM component. Secondly, resources based on this approach are better suited for globally distributed target audiences with fast data updates due to the specificity of the CDN. Finally, advanced static generators are used to build sites that are one step ahead of the need for centralized revision control systems. JAMstack limitations Limited ability to use live data/user-provided data. Long development process. Updates = coding. What we used in our project from best practices Gatsby: Gatsby is a free and open-source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing-fast websites and apps. Contentful: Contentful is a smarter and seamless content management system that provides editors and developers with unified content thereby enhancing collaboration and ensuring digital products ship to the market faster. Netlify CMS: Netlify CMS is open-source content management for your Git workflow which can be used with any static site generator for a faster and more flexible web project.

communication between a business analyst and a customer
June 14, 2021
Cognitive and behavioral aspects of communication between a business analyst and a customer

I would like to start the article by considering the relationship between the business analyst and stakeholders (the customer in particular) as the exchange of information between two stakeholders, where each of them strives to achieve their goals. The customer wants to get a working product. Meanwhile, the goal of a business analyst is to collect the information received from the customer as fully as possible, guided by a certain set of principles, to put all the abstract and vague wishes of the customer in a box of specific requirements, which will then be used by the development team. In my practice, on the example of many projects, I note that it is always necessary to keep in mind the goal, that I, as a business analyst pursue, and at the same time be aware of the customer’s goal, not letting the whole process slide into empty thoughts. A prerequisite for this is well-structured communication between the business analyst and stakeholders. In fact, a lot of attention is paid to the business analysis technics as what requirements to collect, what questions to ask, etc., but after analyzing the list of sources and various training materials (courses, etc.) it can be noted that building a cognitive-behavioral basis of interaction between business analysts and customers is not given much attention. But this, in fact, is the cornerstone, the basis, the foundation which all other business analysis techniques are then “built on”. This Terra Incognito requires thoughtful and inquisitive investigation. In this text, I would like to take the first steps in an attempt to build a cognitive-behavioral basis for interaction between a business analyst and stakeholders. To consider it from the meta-level with a theoretical attitude in mind. Contextually, this interaction should take place in a safe, open, non-judgmental atmosphere that inspires confidence in the dialogue participants that the entire process of current communication is moving in the right direction. What influences the formation of this safe and trusting atmosphere? We are considering the following three components: Thoughts (cognitive). Emotions (emotional). Behavior (behavioral). Within the framework of mental (cognitive) structures, the communicating parties can have certain sets of explicitly and implicitly expressed attitudes, prejudices, certain stereotypes that can have a direct impact on the result of communication. This must always be kept in mind when there are controversial moments with customers, or their picture of what is happening differs from ours. Initially, an emotional reaction arises, but the main thing at this moment is to rationally evaluate what is happening and try to find out what is behind the customer’s objections. It is worth starting with completely elementary things. People usually think that their perceptions and ideas about things are the same, and if two people perceive the same object differently, then one of them is definitely mistaken. However, psychological science rejects this assumption. The perception of even the simplest object is not an isolated act, but part of a complex process. It depends, first of all, on the system in which the subject is considered, as well as on the previous experience, interests, and practical goals of the subject. Even a point of view can significantly influence the perception of a situation. In the course of communication, information is exchanged, the interaction of various communication styles and types of knowledge. Thought Level – What are you thinking? Have you thought about what your interlocutor wanted to convey to you, or have you already begun to build thought structures that have nothing to do with his message or have, but there are subtle differences that in the future can have very large discrepancies between your mental structure and reality? Are you trying to hear what the interlocutor is saying to you or are you defending your point of view? According to the cognitive-behavioral theory, the main factor influencing our emotions and behavior is our way of thinking. Let’s look at the main negative patterns and reactions that provoke negative emotional states in people and certain actions: all-or-nothing thinking: seeing the world in black and white; rejection of positive experiences, insisting that it “doesn’t count” for whatever reason; automatic negative reactions: habitual self-criticism; increasing or minimizing the event value; overgeneralization: draw broad conclusions from a single event; personalization: taking all too close to heart or consider the actions of others as if they are directed at you; mental filter: choosing one negative detail and fixing on it in such a way that reality is obscured; The second important factor in the success of communication is the correct emotional background, which can either support the optimal format of interaction or disrupt its harmonious flow. First, clients need a sense of respect, value, and comfort so that they can fully reveal or share their understanding of the issues raised within the framework of this project. Secondly, in light of the constant “white noise” and distractions, the customer wants to understand that they were being listened to and heard, and not just to be an object for imposing our point of view. This type of interaction requires calm, firm, and genuinely empathic communication that is not always easy to master. Empathy [1] (Greek ἐν – “in” + Greek πάθος – “passion”, “suffering”, “feeling”) – conscious empathy with the current emotional state of another person without losing the sense of the origin of this experience. Accordingly, an empath is a person with a developed ability for empathy. Active listening (empathic listening) is a method used in the practice of socio-psychological training, psychological counseling, and psychotherapy, which makes it possible to more accurately understand the psychological states, feelings, thoughts of the interlocutor with the help of special conversation methods, implying an active expression of one’s own experiences and feelings. Communication with a business analyst is, in fact, the first fore-post that must be symbolically taken by the customer in order to move forward meaningfully. This type of communication gives customers a different relationship experience than they have previously experienced. The more information we, as business analysts, collect…